May 2021 – Updates

Below are the list of updates made to the app building platform during the month of May 2021.

Feature Additions

Here are the list of additional features added in to the app builder this month.

Source Code

This feature will allow you to add source code into a page of its own within the application.


This feature will allow you to add a quiz into your apps.


The Calendar feature will allow you to share details of your upcoming events.

Code Scan

An in app feature that prompts the opening of the camera on native app installs to be used for unlocking qr features inside other features.


This feature allows you to provide a to / from mapping feature in the application to give app users directions a businesses location.

Bug Updates and Fixes

Here are the list of updates undertaken this month relating to bugs or display errors.

10 May 2021

General Bug Fixes

Some user accounts were affected by a hidden application in position 3 within their app builder dashboard. This visual display issue was resolved.

PWA Applications

PWA activation now enabled for users from within their own accounts under the PWA Creator page found under the Plugins menu option. A blue button titled Activate PWA can now be found on that screen for users to activate and generate a PWA for the first time for a particular application/

12 May 2021

Appointments / Appointments Pro

Appointment feature taken offline and replaced with Appointments Pro in its place. Appointment feature option removed from under the settings section of the app builder.

13 May 2021

Real Estate

Display bug fixed in the header section of the Real Estate feature around home and back icons.

Commerce Pro

The date and time picker in the Commerce feature was not passing the time through to the order sheet that was sent to the business and was also corrupting the date too. This has been fixed in this update.

17 May 2021


Product variations were not displaying correctly inside the WooCommerce feature. Update has been applied and variations are now showing correctly again.

Appointment Pro

Display issue on the Management home page which was causing the graph to appear flat. This has now been corrected.

18 May 2021

Loyalty Card

Loyalty card had a default colour attached the stamp button and was not attached to the options in the colors panel. This has been rectified and users can now change the colour of this button to whatever is needed for their design.

24 May 2021

Commerce Pro

Moved location of the product description box further up the page to now be positioned underneath the product image instead of being lower down on the page.

Removed Import facility from under settings tab as this related to a previous feature on the platform that has since been taken offline.


The description field for the topics feature would not allow more than a single line of text. This has now been updated to allow more text to be used in this section.

26 May 2021

Whitelabel Account Access

Users were experiencing a continuous loading screen on the preview device when accessing as a whitelabel user. This has now been fixed with an update.

27 May 2021


Some iTunes feeds were having broken image tiles returned when no images were used. Icons have been removed from display within the feature from now so no issues with this can arise again.

Custom Pages

After adding a button link it was not possible to go back and change the icon used on your button. This has now been corrected with an update.

Buttons on custom pages are now linked to the colour panel and so a unique colour can be applied universally to all buttons within custom pages. Note: this does not support different colour buttons on a page, the button colour is globally applied.

Tutorial Updates

The following tutorials have undergone a number of updates during this period.

Contact Features

Admin Features
Form (V2)

Commerce Features

Progressive Loyalty Card
QR Coupons

Content Features

Privacy Policy

Integration Features


Media Features


Membership Features

Padlock Pro

Monetization Features

Commerce Pro
Set Meal