Appointment Booking Feature

It was noted that following some updates made to the appointment feature that it caused some apps to stick on the feature leaving the user unable to progress to the booking screen within. This has been corrected in the latest update and now working as intended. If you are unable to see the change, it … Read more

Tutorial – Maps API Key

We have recently added a new tutorial to your members area relating to the acquisition of the Google Maps API key. This API key links in with numerous features, and elements within features too. You can view the new tutorial here.

PWA Back Button

There was an issue relating to the back button in PWA’s once the app user got deep into a network of folders where it would double jump pages instead of going to the prior page. This has now been rectified and the back button is behaving normally again.

Loyalty Card

There was an issue that only seemed to arise when “stamp” was clicked first on the Loyalty Card when it was opened within the app, this caused the application to freeze and needing to be restarted. The bug was identified and a fix was applied to correct this from happening.

New Application Causes Unknown Error

It was noted that for some accounts that creating a new application causes a red ‘unknown error’ message to appear making it look like there was an issue. Although the popup itself was an issue, there was no effect to the creation of any applications in the system. A refresh of the page shows the … Read more

Invite A Friend Feature

The requested invite a friend feature has been added to the list of available features to add to your application. The invite a friend feature can be found under the features section, then under the social tab and there you will see the ability to add it by hovering over it and clicking the plus … Read more