Getting Your Flickr API Key

Here’s a quick walkthrough video of getting your API key for Flickr.

To create your API key for Flickr enabling you to use a Flick gallery in the image feature, follow these steps:

Go to
Please note that you must have a Flickr account to use this.

Once on this page, click the Request an API Key link shown under Step 1 Get Your API Key.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is flickr_webpage-1024x360.png

Then on the next screen choose your commercial status.
(In this example screenshots below we are using a non commercial key)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is flickr_request_a_key.png

Then enter the name of your app and a description, check the terms and conditions, and then click on Submit.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is flickr_request_a_key_2.png

You will then be presented with your Key and your Secret.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is flickr_api_key.png

You will then need to add these keys to the API keys panel found under the Settings option on your menu, and in the sub menu for API keys, as shown below.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is flickr_api_key_settings-1024x203.png